What a purely wonderful Christmas our family has had. We have been given more than we ever deserve. God has truely bathed us in blessing after blessing. I am so thankful to HIM for the road HE has taken our family down over the past several months. Through our story, I have been able to speak to so many people (some of who I am very close with and some of who are total strangers) and use our story as a testimony of how awesome and amazing GOD is, how mighty HIS love is for us, and my favorite testimony to share is the POWER OF PRAYER. I have said before, but GOD absolutely has heard and continues to hear all the prayer being lifted to Heaven for James and John David. I actually had a nurse tell me, "It is just amazing to me how well they are doing to be so premature." It doesn't amaze me though, because I have been praying, you guys have been praying, and GOD hears us. I tell everyone who cares for James and John David that those little boys are being prayed for all over the state of Alabama.
Here is the latest on the boys: Think of how AMAZING our GOD is as I give you this update.
- Both boys are eating well and tolerating their feeds, they are up 15 cc's every 3 hours. Tonight we saw John David take his milk and then instantly fall asleep. It was memorable and adorable,not to mention absolutely precious.
- Both boys have gained weight in the last day and a half.
- Both boys will have blood taken in the morning to check their hemoglobin levels. John David was at 10 yesterday so he will probably need some blood tomorrow.
- Both boys are breathing well on their nasal canulas. About 30% oxygen (sometimes less, or more).
-Still waiting to hear back from the brain scans. Please pray for clear results.
- Active, growing, healthy, thriving, pretty and peachy! AMAZING HE has done this for us!
Good Night!
Blessed news. Thanks for the update.
Merry CHRISTmas!!
Merry Christmas and what a blessing good news and good reports are!
We are praying for those boys. After reading your blog, it hit home to me more that we were in your shoes a year ago. Next year they will be all over your living room and you will look back and can't believe how the time has flown by. They will grow fast!! Please don't hesitate to call me anytime. I understand!
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