Mommy and babies have had some ups and downs today. To begin, last night, my nurse convinced me to take an Ambien to help me sleep through the night. I had been feeling really sick and just couldn't physically relax in the bed. So, I took it around 10:00 and wasn't consciously aware of anything until about 7:00 this morning. Sounds good right??, well, not so good when John David's heart rate dropped to the 50's about 12pm and the nurse had to shake me and turn me side to side to try and revive him back. It took almost 5 min for him to recover. She called the dr. on call, and they were a couple of minutes from taking me downstairs to labor and delivery. I had absolutely no idea any of this was going on. Early this morning, Dr.B came by to reassure me that they both looked great on the monitors from then on. However, throughout the day they would be monitoring them very closely. By noon, each had several little dips in their heart rates. I was told, the cords are definitely being compressed, but no pattern or long extended period of deceleration. We let them continue to grow as long as possible, they prefer at minimum 30 weeks. So I had an extremely long day, purely exhausting, feelings of worry and fear began to encroach within me around 10:00am, then amazingly, Ms. Maggie, a great friend, came by to check on me and chat for a while. She helped me relax a little and take my mind of the monitors and the events of the night. As soon as she left, I had a knock on the door, and in comes a delivery of flowers and a basket of goodies from the "red hall ladies" at my school. Of course I was so appreciative of the thoughtfulness and generosity of my work buddies. Big smiles and a cheerful heart! The lady delivering looked at my wall and said, "Oh my, what do you have here?" I proudly told her about my scripture wall and how I have asked people to send me their favorite scripture in time of struggle and uncertainty. It really does keep me going on days like today. She has no idea what I am going through but says, "Girl, it don't matter what you going through, God's gonna take care of you." Of course I agreed with her, and the conversation began to fade a bit when she then replied, "There is always a testimony to be said of God taking care of you, because you see this scare right here on my head, I had a brain aneurysm and they said I wouldn't make it off the operating room table and that was 15 years ago, so whenever I can I always tell people my story and tell them God will take care of you." You may think how ironic, that I was having a tough morning and the flower delivery girl just happen to tell me she was a walking miracle...NOT SO MUCH. I know God sent her to deliver flowers and to tell me that He indeed is taking care of me and these babies right now.
So it is apparent that God has a team with some key players out there that are taking care of me and my family. Meals, meal cards, goodie baskets, childcare help, prayers, emails of encouragement, letters of scripture and support, out pouring of love in offers to do anything to lessen our family's burden right now.
God's team is helping me endure this incredible challenge day to day. Of course the opponent is trying his best on a daily basis to break me down, plant the seeds of despair and pity and fear. He almost begins to take affect when God sends in His team for backup. So, I am thankful for my team, all of you out there, who just keep on uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging me every single day. God has definitely not left me nor forsaken me, cause I see HIM all the time through all of you. Please know that you guys are blessings to me and my family and we are so grateful.
Thank you Elizabeth and Amy for stopping by to visit and cheer me up and make me laugh. I am sure you will never think quiet the same of cranberry juice again.
Christopher, your comment last night made me cry.
Aimee, your shampoo makes me think of you when I wash my hair each morning.
Janet, I doodled with my stationary today.
Red Hall ladies, yall sent me 340 grams of fat in a basket..great job!
Meredith, Kerri, Tara, my girls are coming to my room tomorrow for us to do all the crafts you sent.
Linda, Lauren, Maggie, thank you for taking Claire Saturday to enjoy meaningful, fun Christmas crafts.
Mamaw and Nana, thank you for working two jobs right now (yours and mine)
Jill, I read your letter each day, your music is awesome.
Lee, I owe you extra hugs and snack foods.
Dad, I know your heart is aching, it won't be much longer...
Mandi, the movies are awesome.
Virginia and Patty thank you for the meals, you are nourishing my children. thank you.
OMIS office ladies; my dear husband is going to cry when he sees your deed. Yall are amazing.
Rob, Claire, Ellie, and Jenna: I long to hug you and kiss you.
Good Night